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“First 5 years have so much to do with how the next 80 turns out.”
Bill Gates Offering The Best Childhood Preparation for Life and Academic Success.

All babies are born with a treasure chest of infinite abilities. These are like seeds that grow only if they are nurtured, so the first few years of a child determine a lifetime. From the age of 7 months - 2 years, a baby’s brain rapidly produces neurons that ignite his/her mental growth and development. Starting from this time, if you are not working on making the baby grasp new words, actions, things every single day then the brain will automatically start throwing away these unused abilities by a process called “Synaptic Pruning” and s/he will not develop a knack for learning in his/her later years. We at Jelly Baby Playschool in Faridabad, use the highest quality curriculum material and resources in all teacher and child-led activities so that learning with fun is inculcated from the right age in your child’s brain cells. We offer a well-defined curriculum with a strong emphasis on learning beyond the classroom.
